Plastics in Education
This month Akron/Cleveland SPE will present Educator’s Night. One of our primary goals as SPE is to spread our knowledge of plastics to young engineers and students. Dr. Missi Zender‐ Sakach is a Science Consultant to over fifty school districts in the state of Ohio. Dr. Zender‐Sakach will fill us in on some of the joys and challenges associated with improving student knowledge of science, including plastics. We will also have several high school students from GlenOak High School to demonstrate a plastics recycling project they developed in class. It is wonderful to watch high school students get excited by the concepts of plastics engineering.
Costs, Schedules, Reservations
Member and/or guest $25, Retired $20, Student $5, New Member - first meeting Free
Social Time 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:00 p.m., Program Following dinner
Reservations must be in by noon on Friday, Apr. 7 and can be made to Gary Taylor at 330-419-4380 or
Please be sure to include the company affiliation of each attendee including dietary restrictions.