SPE Member Meeting Hosted By the Akron Section
We will have the Madrigals again this year. We will also have our standard Wine Drawing.
The Holiday Inn next door is offering special overnight accommodations at a price of $99. For reservations phone the hotel direct at 330 334 7666 and request the Galaxy Event Rate.
Enter the Banquet area using the east side entrance nearest the Holiday Inn.
Meeting Information
Member and/or guest $30, Retired $25, Student $10
New Member - first meeting Free
Networking / Bar 5:30 p.m. , Dinner 6:00 p.m., Program Following Dinner
Reservations must be in by noon on Friday, 1st and can be made to Gary Taylor at 330-419-4380 or akronspe1@gmail.com. Please be sure to include the company affiliation of each attendee including dietary restrictions.